Friday, March 30, 2012

Best Deal Seagate ST340005LSA10G-RK

Best Deal Seagate ST340005LSA10G-RK

Best price for Best Deal Seagate ST340005LSA10G-RK. 4TB Blackarmor NAS220 ... » Learn more about Seagate BlackArmor NAS 220 2-Bay 4 TB (2 x 2 TB) Network Attached Storage ST340005LSA10G-RK.

Review for Seagate BlackArmor NAS 220 2-Bay 4 TB (2 x 2 TB) Network Attached Storage ST340005LSA10G-RK.There are so many people who seem to hate this device, and I have no idea why! Mine is quiet, reliable, and plenty fast for backups. The menus make perfect sense to me and work fine in my browser. I've had this baby in service for six months, and have nothing but good things to say about it because it just works.I use it in the RAID 1 (mirrored drives) mode for ba... ... » Read more about Best Deal Seagate ST340005LSA10G-RK at

Best Deal Seagate ST340005LSA10G-RK » Check discount price.

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